The Grey Lit Café
The Grey Lit Café
Sponsored reports: David Baxter on the interface between research and policy
Anthony Haynes writes: In this episode, I interview David Baxter of the University of Alberta on the topic of sponsored reports.
We pay particular attention to reports on gambling, whether sponsored by industry or government.
Amongst the topics we discuss are the career incentives for researchers, readability, the selection of research questions, and changes required.
Links and references
The website for Grey Literature Guides is here: http://www.greylitguides.com/.
The Goldsmiths report, Fair game: producing gambling research, is here: https://www.gold.ac.uk/gamblingineurope/report/.
The journal, Critical gambling studies, is here: https://criticalgamblingstudies.com/index.php/cgs.
Further listening
Our previous interview with David, on the factors that make reports effective, is here: https://thegreylitcafe.buzzsprout.com/1936705/10489614-david-baxter-on-effective-grey-literature-the-case-of-reports-on-gambling.
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